Verse Play Poetry

Back in the day I took a poetry class, since I love writing the stuff. It opened me up to some forms I'd never heard of, one of the most interesting being Verse Play. When creating a verse play piece you simply choose two things: people, characters, inanimate objects. Then you hold a conversation between them. There are a few that I was rather proud of and some I thought I'd lost. This is one I was awfully sad that I lost, but just stumbled upon again.

I'm not sure where in my head some of these things come from, honestly. I can tell you this one in part comes from an interest in psychology I've harbored. At the same time I've held very little respect for certain figures. No offense to the Freudians out there, but he's just not my cup of tea!

Anyway, I'm beginning to you have Tickle Me Elmo and Hitler.

Tickle Me Elmo and Hitler sit at a bar…Hitler depressed he has lost his conquest, Elmo boozing up (how do you think he stays so happy all the time?)…suddenly Elmo laughs, Hitler feels insulted …

E: hee, hee, hee

H: was Sie dummes kleines rotes Tier wünschen
what do you want stupid tiny red beast?
(Hitler glares at Elmo)

E: hee, hee, hee

H: Sie lachen bei mächtigem Hitler!?
you laugh at mighty Hitler!?
E: hee, hee, hee, Elmo tickles
H: was ist Tickle? Hitler war einmal großartiger Diktator, fürchten ihn!
what is tickle? Hitler was once grand dictator, fear him!
E: hee, hee, hee,
H: Das gleichmäßige kleine Rot, das ein respektieren stört nicht mehr, Hitler.
Even small red annoying one no longer respect Hitler.
(He orders another drink becoming more depressed)
E: hee, hee, hee, Elmo loves you
H: Ich danke Ihnen kleine Geisteskrankheit gerittenes Rot Eins
I thank you small insanity ridden red one
E: hee, hee, hee
H: Ja ja wird Energie nie... Sie wissen dieses auch...
Yes, yes, power is never know this also...
(Hitler Sighs Heavily)
E: hee, hee?
H: Möglicherweise zusammen könnten wir gesteuert haben die Welt...
Perhaps together we could have controlled the world...
E: hee, hee, hee, Elmo wants hug
H: Nien! Nien! Kein Umarmen des Fuhrer…
No! No! No hugging the Fuhrer…
E: hug elmo, hee, hee, hee
H: (Head darts back and forth, makes sure no one is looking)
Sie sind so weicher haariger Monster wie Freund
You are so soft hairy monster like friend…

Suddenly a man grabs Hitler by the shoulder….

Freud: Now Hitler, what have I told you? This does not help you get past the emotional fear of castration you have. We must blame your mother and six year old girls for all your problems and this tiny red symbol of safety can not help you.
H: Ja, ja….
Yes, yes…
(Hangs his head.)
E: hee, hee, hee…

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